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If the profit margin (net income before taxes / annual sales) is more than 4%, it is better to calculate the corporate tax at 0.5% of the final tax (separate taxation) on sales, because the tax you pay will be smaller. Corporate income tax = (net benefit before taxation x 25%).In that case, if you can expect to have a turnover of 4.8Miliyar or more (omzet or pendapatan bruto) from the first year, you will not be recognized as an SME UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah), but if your turnover is less than 4.8Miliyar, it will be calculated according to the normal formula for calculating the tax rate as follows When a Japanese company enters Indonesia, it usually chooses a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing), a foreign capital company with only Japanese directors, but many people who are independent and start business in Indonesia with their Indonesian wives and husbands as shareholders (Pemegang Saham) and directors (Director or Komisaris) choose a PMDN (Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri), a local PT. NSFP (Nomor Seri Faktur Pajak) to manage the Faktur Pajak sequential number.

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  • Pass the unannounced visit of the tax officer (Survey) within 10 working days to get your PKP account.
  • Value-added tax PPN and value-added taxable enterprises PKP.
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